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Sunrise Domain Registration

Domains in Sunrise Period

Register your domain name in the Sunrise Period

There are no new domain extension in this liberalization phase.

Sunrise Period

Sunrise Domain Registration

This is the first stage of the liberalisation process of a domain extension. In this stage, only trademark owners can apply for a domain.

If you want to apply for a domain in this stage, you must obtain a Trademark Clearinghouse validation code. If you do have a trademark, but not the validation code, please contact us.

Note that registration of a domain name in this stage is subject to registry confirmation. If there is more than one applicant for the same domain name during Sunrise, an auction will be held at the end of this phase in order to determine to whom the domain name is awarded.

If don't have a trademark or a trademark clearing code, you can pre-register you domain before the General Availability stage begins.

Sunrise Domain Registration

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Sunrise Period?

The Sunrise Period is a priority registration phase for new gTLDs, allowing trademark holders to secure domain names that match their trademarks before they are available to the general public.

Who is eligible to participate in the Sunrise Period?

Trademark holders who have validated their trademarks through the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) are eligible to participate.

What is the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH)?

TMCH is a global repository for validated trademarks. It allows trademark owners to register their marks to protect them during the Sunrise Period and receive notifications about potential infringements.

How long does the Sunrise Period last?

The duration varies by gTLD but typically lasts 30 to 60 days. Exact dates are determined by the registry managing the specific gTLD.

What are the benefits of registering a domain during the Sunrise Period?

Trademark holders get exclusive rights to register domains that match their trademarks, reducing the risk of cybersquatting or trademark infringement.

Can I register any domain name during the Sunrise Period?

No, you can only register domain names that exactly match your validated trademark as listed in the TMCH.

What is required to register a domain during the Sunrise Period?

You need a valid SMD (Signed Mark Data) file issued by the TMCH, which confirms your trademark has been verified.

Are Sunrise Period registrations more expensive than regular registrations?

Yes, Sunrise Period registrations often include higher fees due to the priority and exclusivity they provide.

What happens if two trademark holders apply for the same domain during the Sunrise Period?

In such cases, some registries use an auction process to determine the domain owner, while others may follow a first-come, first-served basis.

What happens after the Sunrise Period ends?

After the Sunrise Period, the domain enters the Landrush or General Availability phase, where it becomes available to the public for registration. Trademark holders lose their exclusive priority after this phase.

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