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6 Reasons Why It Might Be Time to Transfer Your Domain

Transferring your domain means changing the registrar you work with. The registrar (or domain registration company) is the entity you originally paid to obtain your domain name — the URL of your website. They’ll be registered with ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and may offer additional services as well as domains.
Let’s take a look at six reasons why companies and individuals decide to change to a different domain registrar.
1. You Have Security Concerns With Your Current Registrar
If your domain registrar has been the victim of a cyberattack, consider changing your provider ASAP. Threat actors (cybercriminals) will often attack companies that maintain data about other organizations. A trusted domain registrar should protect your data and identity from all unauthorized third parties.
Registrars with poor security could cause your website to be the victim of domain hackers. When someone tries to access your site, they may find themselves forwarded to a totally different page. You’ll normally be asked to pay a ransom to get access to your site access back. A domain registrar should have robust cybersecurity in place to defend against these attacks. If they can’t assure you of your data’s security or the safety of your domain, search for alternative options.
2. You’ve Sold Your Domain
Selling your domain to another party can be done via a verbal or written agreement. Doing the actual transfer requires contacting their desired registrar and completing the details as needed. Normally, the receiving party will choose a registrar and await your authorization to complete the transfer. You’ll have to get your current registrar to unlock the domain and give you an authorization code which you will pass to the buyer. You may need to let relevant parties know about the change in ownership, and if there will be any downtime.
3. You Need Lower Ongoing Costs
Different registrars charge different amounts for the same domain names. Businesses can save money by shopping around. Always consider the overall value of the package rather than just the individual price. For example, if the domain is super cheap when you purchase it but goes up 500% next year, that may be a poor purchase choice. Also, look at packages that include both hosting and domain names as many of these can stretch your budget further.
4. You Want Better Customer Service
Research shows that 88% of customers appreciate good customer service as much as the quality of the product (or digital service) they receive. If you agree with that sentiment, it’s quite likely you may transfer your domain to a company that provides excellent customer experiences. Domain providers that keep you informed and make transfers easy attract more customers than those focusing simply on price.
5. Your New Registrar Offers Additional Features
In addition to customer service, it’s worth checking what additional features a registrar provides. Some vendors offer a domain name only. This can leave buyers having to arrange their own hosting, email forwarding, etc., if necessary. Professional, trusted registrars should also keep you updated about any potential downtime and do everything they can to minimize this.
6. You Want to Consolidate Your Domains
If you have several different domains from several different registrars, it may make sense to bring them all under one umbrella. It could make accounting and administration easier. Plus, you’ll only have one organization to deal with. You may find that out of all your domain providers, one provides better services than others. Bringing multiple domains to the same vendor could remove stress from your domain upkeep and even lower your costs.
Transfer Your Domain to Register.Domains Today
Always do your research before transferring a domain to another registrar. Check that the new provider is ICANN accredited and look at what services they provide. For example, Register.Domains offers hosting packages and professional email services as well as domains. If you’re considering bringing all your online services under one roof, this could help you optimize your budget. Plus, with every domain, you get free web redirection and domain zone management, among other services.
Take a look at how simple it is to transfer your domain to Register.Domains or visit our domains help center for more information.
By Steven White