Register.Domains Register.Domains

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Preguntas Frecuentes

How can one contact the registry managing this extension?

The contact information is:


Sponsoring Organisation

Ministry of Communications

P.O. Box No. 318

Safat 11111


Administrative Contact

Saud Alshomer

Ministry of Communications

P.O. Box No. 318

Safat 11111


Email: [email protected]

Phone: +965 24843577

Fax: +965 24998493

Technical Contact

Youssef Al-Mesfer

Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research

P.O. Box 24885

Kuwait Safat 13109


Email: [email protected]

Phone: +965 2498 9774

Fax: +965 2498 9699


What is the shortest registration duration permitted for this extension?

The minimum registration term for “.kw” extensions are 2 years.


Which organization oversees the administration of this domain extension?

The organization responsible of this domain extension is “WWW.KW”.


What is the range of characters that the .KW extension can accommodate?

It is possible to register the letters a to z, the numbers 0 to 9 and the hyphen “-“. However, it is not possible to register domains that begin or end with a hyphen “-“


Are there any specific criteria for registering a .KW domain?

To secure a .COM.KW, domain, the domain owner must meet the following requirements:
- The owner must have a domain name already registered as .COM, .NET or .ORG.
- The domain name must match the company or trademark name.
- The owner must have local representative in Kuwait.

If you do not meet the local representative requirement, we can register the domain in the name of our local representatives and then make it available to you. This option has an additional cost (Trustee Service).

The minimum domain registration period is 2 years.


Does .KW support internationalized domain names (IDNs) characters?

The .KW Registry is not currently offering IDN characters.


Do you offer Trustee/Proxy Service for this extension?

Yes, we offer trustee for “”


Does this extension support third level domains?

Yes, it does support third level extension, you can register domains with “”.


Is there an official whois server for .KW domains?

.KW  does not count with an official whois server.


What is the least and greatest number of characters permissible?

The minimum is 3 and the maximum is 63.


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