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Whois KIDS

Verifique Propiedad y Estado del Dominio KIDS


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USD $16.20 $29.00
En oferta el 1er año
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Preguntas Frecuentes

Which organization is responsible for managing this domain extension?

The organization responsible of this domain extension is DotKids.

Is Trustee service available for this domain extension?

For this extension Trustee service is not needed.

What is the character length range allowed for domain names?

The minimum is 3 and the maximum is 63.

Could you provide the contact details for this domain's registry?

The contact information is:


Sponsoring Organisation

DotKids Foundation Limited

12/F, Daily House, 35-37 Haiphong Road

Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Hong Kong


Administrative Contact

DotKids Administrative Contact

DotKids Foundation Ltd.

12/F, Daily House, 35-37 Haiphong Road

Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Hong Kong

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +852 8171 1714

Fax: +852 2125 8484


Technical Contact

Senior Director, DNS Infrastructure Group

Donuts Inc.

10500 NE 8th Street, Suite 750

Bellevue, WA


United States

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1.425.298.2200

Fax: +1.425.671.0020

What criteria must be met to register a .kids domain?

There are no requirements for this extension. However, note that the Registry reserves the right to cancel any domain name that does not comply with the Guiding Principles of .KIDS.

Are internationalized domain names (IDNs) characters supported by the .kids extension?

No, it supports only standard characters.

Does this extension have a dedicated official whois server?

What is the shortest registration period permissible?

The mininum registration term is 1 year.

What is the range of characters that the does the .kids extension support?

It is possible to register the letters a to z and the numbers 0 to 9.

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